Pratice-led doctorate

Paris Seine Graduate School – Humanities, Creation and Heritage (PSGS-HCH), supported by the third wave of France’s national program of investments in the future (PIA3), brings together the humanities and social science components of the University of Cergy-Pontoise and four schools specializing in artistic creation and cultural heritage: (i) ENSAPC, (ii) the National School of Architecture of Versailles (ENSAV), (iii) the National School of Landscape Design of Versailles (ENSP), and (iv) the National Heritage Institute (INP), all of which are members of France’s Foundation for Heritage Sciences. The participating institutions have come together to offer standard-setting graduate programs in creative and heritage-related fields using an innovative methodology of practice-led research.


Practice-led research

The central feature of this effort, beginning with 2018–19 academic year, is a doctoral program built on the model of practice- and project-led research. A doctoral department is being organized with a focus on the humanities, creative practice, and heritage-centered studies. The new department will host doctoral candidates and provide cross-disciplinary and internationally-oriented instruction. The doctoral program will be jointly overseen by a member of the academic faculty and a practicing professional recognized in his or her field. Three-year doctoral contracts will be offered by the Paris Seine Graduate School. The doctorate in “Arts” is supported by ENSAPC; the other institutions making up PSGS-HCH will offer doctorates in “Theory and Practice of Literary Creation,” “Architecture,” “Landscape Design,” “Heritage Conservation and Restoration,” and “Heritage Studies.”


Doctoral degrees offered by ENSAPC


Research in and through the arts places artists, authors, creators, and their creative practices at the center of the methodological process. In this scheme, artistic research, closely linked with advanced professional experience, takes place through artistic practice. This form of research draws on the various stages of the creative process (from idea to execution and then to sharing), while also feeding that process. It rests on the linkage of theory and practice and is characterized by continuous, mindful attention to the back-and-forth between hands-on experimentation and analytic distance. Inventing its own forms, the results of the research must put thought into practice and practice into thought.


Active artists, creators, and authors holding a French Master 2 or the equivalent (two-year master’s degree) are invited to apply. The deadline for submission of applications is midnight on Wednesday, June 20. A program brochure and application form may be downloaded below.



Practice-led doctoral research

Application period: 17 May 2018 to 20 June 2018 (midnight)

Evaluation of applications: 21 June to early July 2018

Applicant interviews: 5 July 2018

Publication of results: 16 July 2018

Ratification of doctoral contracts by the doctoral department’s academic council (if necessary): 4 September 2018

Academic registration and commencement of dissertation research: October 2018

Demande d’inscription en doctorat par le projet

Règlement de l’appel à candidature 2018 du parcours de doctorat par le projet

Capture d’écran 2018-05-30 à 21.10.14
Capture d’écran 2018-05-30 à 21.09.45