
Transfer admission (admission by equivalence) is open to applicants who can demonstrate that they possess, depending on the year into which they seek to transfer, 60, 120, 180, or 240 European credits or the equivalent in postsecondary art training.

Annual tuition for 2023/24 is set by law at €438 ( Decree of June 4th, 2023). The reduced tuition is 292 euros. ENSAPC does not charge non-EU students more than EU students. Registration fees for the entrance examinations (for both initial and transfer admissions) are set each year by the Ministry of Culture. In 2023/24, they are €37 euros. Scholarship students are exempted from the examination fees.


Credits will be recognized either directly or upon evaluation, depending on where they were earned. Credits will be recognized directly if earned

— in a French public institution of higher education

— in a French private institution of higher education, provided that the institution is recognized by the French government or that the applicant’s program at the institution confers a professional credential appearing in the French national registry of occupational certifications (RNCP)

— in a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area, or in Switzerland, Monaco, or Andorra.

Credits and degrees earned outside the European Higher Education Space will be evaluated for their comparability with French degrees and European credits.


Applicants seeking to enter the school in year 2 of the undergraduate curriculum must demonstrate that they hold 60 European credits or the equivalent.

Students whose native language is other than French must provide evidence of their proficiency in French. They may do this in several ways. First, they may offer proof of having achieved Level 2 on the TCF or DELF. Second, they may provide a report of their grades on the French baccalauréat exam. Third, they may furnish a copy of a diploma from an institution appearing in the French national registry of occupational certifications (RNCP). France Education International (formerly CIEP) organizes language-testing sessions. The test should be taken between October and February at an authorized site (such as a diplomatic post, Alliance Française, or CIEP office) so that results will be available in time to be submitted with the transfer application.

In the course of a 15-minute interview, applicants explain their goals and present their artwork to a jury composed of the ENSAPC director (or her designee) and three members of the faculty.

Applicants are notified by mail of the results, usually within a month.



Applicants seeking to enter the DNSEP program must demonstrate either that they possess a Diplôme National d’Arts (DNA) or that they have earned 180 European credits or the equivalent.

Students whose native language is other than French must provide evidence of their proficiency in French. They may do this in several ways. First, they may provide proof of achieving Level 2 on the TCF or DELF. Second, they may provide a report of their grades on the French baccalauréat exam. Third, they may furnish a copy of a diploma from an institution appearing in the French national registry of occupational certifications (RNCP). France Education International (formerly CIEP) organizes language-testing sessions. The test must be taken at an approved site (such as a diplomatic post, Alliance Française, or CIEP office) between October and February in order to be considered in the transfer admission process.

In the course of a 15-minute interview, applicants explain their goals and present their artwork to a jury consisting of three members of the faculty.

Applicants are notified by mail of the results, usually within a month.

Upon receipt of the results, admitted applicants must send the school ( a one-page description (1,500 characters) of the thesis they propose to produce during the graduate study, as well as a statement of their wishes with respect to the required international mobility experience (internship or academic exchange). The admission process is not complete until these items are received.


Applicants residing in a country in which the Campus France local office makes available the “Etudes en France” application procedure must apply using that procedure.

Applicants from countries in which the “Etudes en France” procedure is not available should send their application file directly to ENSAPC using the application form downloadable from this page.

In either case, applicants must have completed three years of postsecondary education in art (or the equivalent) and prove that they possess the required proficiency in French (TCF or DELF score report showing B2 proficiency).

“Etudes en France” applicants may also apply through the CampusArt network, of which ENSAPC is a member. Applicants who choose this route should not download the transfer form available on the ENSAPC website but rather apply directly through the Campus France website in their country of current residence. The TCF or DELF report showing level B2 must be furnished with this application. Applicants will be contacted for a preliminary interview by the cultural counselor at the Campus France office in the applicant’s country of residence.

Applications are transmitted directly to ENSAPC. At least one month before the jury interviews, applicants must provide ENSAPC ( with a Skype address, a portfolio of their artwork, and a copy of a valid piece of identification.

In the course of a 15-minute videoconference, applicants explain their goals and present their artwork to a jury consisting of three members of the faculty. These videoconferences take place during the same time frame as the interviews for transfer applicants residing in the European Union.

Results are sent directly to Campus France within a month.

Applicants admitted to the DNSEP program must send the school ( a one-page description (1,500 characters) of the thesis they intend to produce during their graduate studies. The admission process is not complete until this description is received.

For transfer students from outside France, the international mobility experience that would otherwise be required during the first year of the master’s program is optional. However, applicants who wish to exercise the option must send the school a statement of their wishes with respect to the international mobility experience so that arrangements can be made. This statement should be sent together with the description of their thesis plans.


The application form can be downloaded from the website from January 9th, 2024 and must be collected on the site until February 4th, 2024.

After this deadline, administrative applications will no longer be accepted, and any application whose supporting documents have not been received by the school within the deadline will be considered inadmissible. It is therefore strongly advised not to wait until the last day to download the file and register for the equivalence exams.

The final certificate of French language for non-French speaking international candidates must be sent to the study department before March 1st, 2024 included by email to for entry into the L2/DNA program or for entry into the Master1/DNSEP program.
Please register early for the French language test (TCF) as most centers only accept registrations one month before the exam date for the TCF Tout Public and places are limited to 10 per session and are taken quickly. As the TCF is a certificate and not a diploma, it is only valid for two years after the exam date. Make sure that it is valid at the time of your registration by equivalence.

The TCF is not free of charge, so you will have to pay for it. Only the compulsory TCF tests are necessary to present the equivalence at ENSAPC.

The interviews with the jury will take place between March 27th and March 29th, 2024 (the invitations will be sent a fortnight before the date of the interviews).


This application is closed.